Sunday, January 28, 2007


I was asked to post something that reflects my voice; yet I have sat here for almost half an hour and i still don't know how I can do it.
Well first of all, I'm a very soft spoken person, and pretty simple at that. I don't usually use fancy and sophisticated words but instead I chose to use words that clearly express my thoughts.
My purpose while writing is paint the reader a vivid picture of my thoughts, which makes my writing thorough. I tend to go into depth on any certain subject which interests me, until I haven't left any questions unanswered. While I'm writing I tend to ask " why...." very often which helps me fully analyse my thoughts.

What is poetic language? How is is different from poetry? MY RESPONSE

Poetic language is a type of language in which very powerful words are being used . Every single word has a deeper meaning and its own perspective. Poetic language is a way of communication in which many thoughts, ideas , and emotions are conveyed through few words. It is different from poetry because poetic language is what is used in poetry. Poetry is made up by the poetic language.

Friday, January 26, 2007