Sunday, January 28, 2007


I was asked to post something that reflects my voice; yet I have sat here for almost half an hour and i still don't know how I can do it.
Well first of all, I'm a very soft spoken person, and pretty simple at that. I don't usually use fancy and sophisticated words but instead I chose to use words that clearly express my thoughts.
My purpose while writing is paint the reader a vivid picture of my thoughts, which makes my writing thorough. I tend to go into depth on any certain subject which interests me, until I haven't left any questions unanswered. While I'm writing I tend to ask " why...." very often which helps me fully analyse my thoughts.

1 comment:

lisa said...

I enjoyed reading about your thought process.Even though u say that u sat there for half an hour and were unable to come up with something i believe that the way in which u wrote this paragraph clearly demostarted UR voice. Very structured, soft and calm... when i wa reading i felt as if i were talking to you. Unlike other people, WE KNOW u go straight to the point rather than DRESSING UP ur writting with fancy words.