Friday, February 23, 2007

PJ 7

The triple fool
By John Donne

I am two fools, I know,
For loving, and for saying so
In whining poetry;
But where’s that wise man, that would not be I,
Is she would not deny?
Then as th’ earth’s inward narrow crooked lanes
Do purge sea water’s fretful salt away,
I thought, if I could draw my pains
Through rhyme’s vexation, should them allay.
Grief brought to numbers cannot be so fierce,
For he tames it, that fetters it in verse.

But when I have done so,
Some man, his art and voice to show,
Doth set and sing my main;
And, by delighting many, frees again
Grief, which verse did restrain.
To love and grief tribute of verse belongs,
But not of such as pleases when ‘tis read.
Both are increased by such songs,
For both their triumphs so are published,
And I, which was two fools, do so grow three.
Who are little wise, the best fools be.

Speaker: Is a poet
Occasion: Speaking about writing poetry
Audience: To anyone who likes poetry
Purpose: To talk about how he is a fool for writing about love in his poetry, his poetry is full of grief and pain but he is no longer a fool when it is read out loud to a audience. His three fools which are him then grow and are a little wise.
Subject: His poetry
Tone: excited, content

The author of these poem uses a very unique structure in which in the beginning he indents the third line. Then from there he goes onto intending every other line until the second stanza, where he indents the third line.
Contemporary Poet
The Triple Genius
I am two geniuses, I am sure of that
For expressing myself and claiming I am
In my crazy poetry
But where could be that fool girl that could be me
If I didn’t write how I feel all the time
As natures green , full of life and vertical lines
Do line up in straight peaks
I believe that if I can express my life
Through end rhyme , alliteration and figurative language
I am free
For keeping my thoughts in me is restrained pain
That will not flee

But when I have finished doing so.
Some person , his loud spirit will show;
My life, my pain, my happiness
And, by demonstrating my life to others
will bring smiles and tears .
To love to express one self and thoughts
Is to love and grief, ones passions
And me, which I was too geniuses now grow three
Who are smarter and wiser, the best geniuses I could possibly be .

Through this poem I tried to take the structure of the first poem and imitate it. I also took the meaning of the first poem and sued in my poem as well. I tried to convey how poetry is a way in which one can fully express oneself. The author of the firs poem believes that he is a fool for talking bout love but in reality I believe that he is smart for expressing how he feels inside. Is always good to let your pain and happiness out so that’s what I to express in my poem. One is never a fool for expressing how he/s he feels though poetry, because everyone has there own perspective and life to tell.

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