Friday, February 16, 2007

Poetry Journal # 6

It may not always be so; and I say

It may not always be so; and I say
That if your lips, which I have loved, should touch
Another’s, and your dear strong fingers clutch
His heart, as mine in time not far away;
If on another’s face your sweet hair lay
In such a silence as I know, or such
Great writhing words as, uttering overmuch,
Stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;
Stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;

If this should be, I say if this should be-
You of my heart, send me a little word;
That I may go unto him, and take his hands,
Saying, Accept all happiness from me.
Then shall I turn my face, and hear one bird
Sing terribly afar in the lost lands

Speaker : The speaker is a man or someone who cares a lot about someone else.
Occasion: It think it might be while they are breaking up.
Audience: To his girl friend
Purpose: To tell her that he loves her and that if she eaves him he will be very sad but he wont keep her next to him if she doesn’t want to be with him.
Subject : A possible break up.
Tone: Its some what sad.

The author does use of figurative language to add more life to the poem. He also uses many commas and semi colons to connect ideas.

Through this poem the speaker is telling his loved one that if he were to ever lose her love the he wouldn’t act selfish or mad in the other hand he would go to her knew lover and almost wish them the best. But he would still be sad in the end. I believe that all people should be like this and learn from this poem. There are many people out there that once their boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with them they get really mad and do a bunch of crazy things. Like they start all sorts of drama with their ex’s new partners, they spread all types of rumors about them ,etc. This speaker of this poem is basically demonstrating that he loves her so much and that if it ever got to the point in which she didn’t love him anymore and instead loved someone else he would be angry he would actually kind of bless their relationship. More people should be less selfish and let their loved ones be happy and content with their life. A break up hurts a lot but it happens for a reason. Its always better to let someone go, instead of keeping them by your side knowing that they aren’t happy. If the feelings aren’t mutual really then what is the purpose of continuing such a relationship because it will only gets worst as time proceeds. The after math might seem very sad and to be lonely is a harsh reality to face, as time progresses the wounds will heal.


Noel said...

I agree with your opinioin on this poem, especially since I did my journal on it also. I think it is ideal for people in relationships to be real with eachother and respect their partners decision. Like you said they should not act mad or anything because its the way of life, not everyone has true love forever, or hasn't found it, if its attainable.

Foopword said...

Shut up and proofread your site.