Friday, February 23, 2007

PJ 7

The triple fool
By John Donne

I am two fools, I know,
For loving, and for saying so
In whining poetry;
But where’s that wise man, that would not be I,
Is she would not deny?
Then as th’ earth’s inward narrow crooked lanes
Do purge sea water’s fretful salt away,
I thought, if I could draw my pains
Through rhyme’s vexation, should them allay.
Grief brought to numbers cannot be so fierce,
For he tames it, that fetters it in verse.

But when I have done so,
Some man, his art and voice to show,
Doth set and sing my main;
And, by delighting many, frees again
Grief, which verse did restrain.
To love and grief tribute of verse belongs,
But not of such as pleases when ‘tis read.
Both are increased by such songs,
For both their triumphs so are published,
And I, which was two fools, do so grow three.
Who are little wise, the best fools be.

Speaker: Is a poet
Occasion: Speaking about writing poetry
Audience: To anyone who likes poetry
Purpose: To talk about how he is a fool for writing about love in his poetry, his poetry is full of grief and pain but he is no longer a fool when it is read out loud to a audience. His three fools which are him then grow and are a little wise.
Subject: His poetry
Tone: excited, content

The author of these poem uses a very unique structure in which in the beginning he indents the third line. Then from there he goes onto intending every other line until the second stanza, where he indents the third line.
Contemporary Poet
The Triple Genius
I am two geniuses, I am sure of that
For expressing myself and claiming I am
In my crazy poetry
But where could be that fool girl that could be me
If I didn’t write how I feel all the time
As natures green , full of life and vertical lines
Do line up in straight peaks
I believe that if I can express my life
Through end rhyme , alliteration and figurative language
I am free
For keeping my thoughts in me is restrained pain
That will not flee

But when I have finished doing so.
Some person , his loud spirit will show;
My life, my pain, my happiness
And, by demonstrating my life to others
will bring smiles and tears .
To love to express one self and thoughts
Is to love and grief, ones passions
And me, which I was too geniuses now grow three
Who are smarter and wiser, the best geniuses I could possibly be .

Through this poem I tried to take the structure of the first poem and imitate it. I also took the meaning of the first poem and sued in my poem as well. I tried to convey how poetry is a way in which one can fully express oneself. The author of the firs poem believes that he is a fool for talking bout love but in reality I believe that he is smart for expressing how he feels inside. Is always good to let your pain and happiness out so that’s what I to express in my poem. One is never a fool for expressing how he/s he feels though poetry, because everyone has there own perspective and life to tell.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Poetry Journal # 6

It may not always be so; and I say

It may not always be so; and I say
That if your lips, which I have loved, should touch
Another’s, and your dear strong fingers clutch
His heart, as mine in time not far away;
If on another’s face your sweet hair lay
In such a silence as I know, or such
Great writhing words as, uttering overmuch,
Stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;
Stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;

If this should be, I say if this should be-
You of my heart, send me a little word;
That I may go unto him, and take his hands,
Saying, Accept all happiness from me.
Then shall I turn my face, and hear one bird
Sing terribly afar in the lost lands

Speaker : The speaker is a man or someone who cares a lot about someone else.
Occasion: It think it might be while they are breaking up.
Audience: To his girl friend
Purpose: To tell her that he loves her and that if she eaves him he will be very sad but he wont keep her next to him if she doesn’t want to be with him.
Subject : A possible break up.
Tone: Its some what sad.

The author does use of figurative language to add more life to the poem. He also uses many commas and semi colons to connect ideas.

Through this poem the speaker is telling his loved one that if he were to ever lose her love the he wouldn’t act selfish or mad in the other hand he would go to her knew lover and almost wish them the best. But he would still be sad in the end. I believe that all people should be like this and learn from this poem. There are many people out there that once their boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with them they get really mad and do a bunch of crazy things. Like they start all sorts of drama with their ex’s new partners, they spread all types of rumors about them ,etc. This speaker of this poem is basically demonstrating that he loves her so much and that if it ever got to the point in which she didn’t love him anymore and instead loved someone else he would be angry he would actually kind of bless their relationship. More people should be less selfish and let their loved ones be happy and content with their life. A break up hurts a lot but it happens for a reason. Its always better to let someone go, instead of keeping them by your side knowing that they aren’t happy. If the feelings aren’t mutual really then what is the purpose of continuing such a relationship because it will only gets worst as time proceeds. The after math might seem very sad and to be lonely is a harsh reality to face, as time progresses the wounds will heal.

Poetry Journal # 5

I carry your heart with me( I carry it in
I carry your heart with me ( I carry it in
My heart) I am never without it ( anywhere
I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
By only me is your doing, my darling)

I fear
No fate( for you are my fate, my sweet) I want
No world ( for beautiful you are my world, my true)
And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
And the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
Higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
And this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart( I carry it in my heart)

Speaker: the speaker of this poem is a man or women that is deeply in love.
Occasion: They are expressing their deep devotion to them.
Audience: To their lover/ partner.
Purpose: To demonstrate their great love and devotion to their loved one.
Subject : Is love .
Tone: It is very romantic.
The author uses parenthesis to emphasize certain parts of the poem.

I believe that the poet was highly effective in conveying his message in this poem. Through this poem the poet spoke about his devotion for his loved one and hw he carries his lovers heart in his. The use of the parenthesis to enclose certain important parts of this poem really added to the meaning of the poem. The message of this poem is to show that his lover is the basically what his world revolves around and what he dedicates his life to her. The parenthesis also really emphasize the parts which are inside and those parts really demonstrates how he cherishes and loves his girl. It almost seems as if his overly obsessed with his girl because he basically does every thing for her and while doing something he thinks of her. He puts her first above all . The diction of this poem is very simple and straight to the point which makes it so much easier to understand the message that the author is trying to convey through this poem. The diction of this poem is like any other love poem, it is very simple and romantic. The author also does use of figurative language as a way to compare his love and devotion to aspects of nature for example to the moon, stars, and sun. While doing so the author adds more life to the poem and makes it come alive. It could very well be a very dull boring poem but the fact that her uses very interesting poetic devises makes it very interesting and fun to read. It also makes it easier for the audience to understand the purpose of the poem.

Friday, February 9, 2007


“ My Wicked Wicked ways” by Sandra Cisneros
This is my father.
See? He is young
He looks like Errol Flynn.
He is wearing a hat
That tips over one eye,
A suit that fits him good
And baggy pants.
He is also wearing
those awful shoes,
The two-toned ones
My mother hates.

Here is my mother.
She is not crying.
She cannot look no the lens
Because the sun is bright .
The woman.
The one my father knows,
Is not here.
She does not come till later.

My mother will bet very mad.
Her face will turn red
And she will throw one shoe.
After while everyone
Will forget it.
Years and years will pass.
My mother will stop mentioning it.

This is me she is carrying.
I am a baby.
She does not know
I will turn out bad.

Speaker: The speaker of this poem is a young boy or girl.
Occasion: The occasion is when the the speaker is talking about the people in a picture.
Audience: The audience of his poem is tended to be like older teenager and people that are adults also people who are Latino because I know that Sandra Cisneros wrote a lot for Latinos.
Purpose: The purpose of this poem is to use a specific moment to talk about her family more specifically her mother and father and herself.
Subject: The subject of this poem is her mother and a photograph.
Tone: the tone of this poem is also very calm and simple.
The author of this poem uses very simple diction as way to get her point understood.

I believe that Sandra Cisneros did a beautiful job of conveying her message through this poem. She talks about an old photograph of her and her family as well another women who might be her fathers mistress and talks about her mother and her mothers feelings. The title of the poem “ My Wicked Wicked Ways” lets the audience understand the meaning of the ending part where she say “ I will turn out bad”, her mother is aware of her husbands wicked ways but not of hers which makes this poem a little bit mysterious because we want to know her wicked ways. Through the poem the author is referring back to the photograph, in her first stanza she speaks about her father and how he looks and how he is dressed. In the second stanza is where the author hints at maybe her father cheated on her mother with another woman. In the third stanza the author speaks about how her mother will find out about her husbands affair and how she will get mad but over the years she will get over it eventually. Finally in the fourth stanza the author talks about her self as a baby and how her innocence does not let her mother see how bad will she will turn out in the future. The organized structure of this poem lets the audiece understand the poem better.


“ I an accused of tending to the past” by Lucille Clifton
I am accused of tending to the past
As if I made it
As if I sculpted
With my own hands, I did not.
This past was waiting for me
When I came,
A monstrous unnamed baby,
And I with my mother’s itch
Took it to breast
And named it
She is more human now
Learning languages everyday
Remembering faces, names and dates
When she is strong enough to travel
On her own, beware, she will.
Poetry Journal # 3
S: the speaker of these poem is person who is taking about history.
O: The occasion is when this person was talking about history and how he or she is acussed of tending to the past.
A: The audience of this poem is for the people who accuse him/her.
P: The purpose of this poem is to show that he/ she cannot change history because it was already made before her.
Subject: The subject is history
Tone: The tone is very mellow and calm.
The author of this poem uses all lower caps which makes this poem very simple. Her diction is very simple as well which let the reader focus on the meaning of the poem than what do the word mean. There is times when she has one word lines which also draws more attention to the word.

I am accused of forgetting the past
As if I actually wanted to remember
As if I loved to hear
All those wonderful crimes and genocides
That past was not for me
I did not want it
I did not want my ancestor to be killed by the Spaniards
I did not want for my ancestors lands to be conquered by Caucasians
When I came
I put it upon myself
To learn
As way to stop history from repeating it self
But that’s something
That not all have learned
History s more than life now
Its more than just some events
Its our life tracked down
Its what influences our everyday
I do not want to remember history
But I will
Its my past, present and future
Here to stay
So beware she is strong and life changing
Learn from her

Friday, February 2, 2007

Poetry Response #2

Amiri Baraka ( Leroi Jones)
Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note

Lately, I’ve become accustomed to the way
The ground opens up and envelops me
Each time I go out to walk the dog.
Or the broad edged silly music the wind
Makes when I run for a bus…

Things have come to that.

And now, each night I count the stars.
And each night I get the same number.
And when they will not come to be counted,
I count the holes they leave.

Nobody sings anymore.

And then last night, I tiptoed up
To my daughter’s room and heard her
Talking to someone, and when I opened
The door, there was no one there…
Only she on her knees, peeking into

Her own clasped hands

My response
I believe that the author of this poem is somewhat effective in conveying his message. The content of the poem doesn’t really explain the title of the poem which really makes the entire poem extremely abstract and hard to understand. The author begins by explaining how he is beginning to become accustomed to his life or lifestyle. Which brings me to think that maybe his tired of the direction which his life is taking, or maybe his life becoming too boring. Then he adds a part where he says “Nobody sings anymore” which maybe leads me to think he wants to commit suicide because he is very lonely. The author of this poem does a really good job of painting an image of a guy who is very lonely and who is bothered by the fact that his everyday routine is the same. The author then adds in the part of his daughter which brings me to understand that his daughter is also lonely as well and has no one to play with because in the art where he says “ … To my daughters room and heard her/ Talking to someone, and when I opened/ The door, there was no one there…/ Only she on her knees, peeking into/ Her own clasped hands.” When the author introduced this part it really through me off and made it really hard for me how his daughter connected with the title. Maybe he just introducing some variables as t why he wants to commit suicide and he daughter is one. Maybe he feels bad that his daughter lives a lonely life just like him. The entire diction of this poem is very easy understand, but the meaning behind the words is very vague and complicated to understand.

Poetry Response # 1

Minstrel Man
By Langston Hughes

Because my mouth
Is wide with laughter
And my throat
Is deep with song,
You do not think
I suffer after
I have held my pain,
So long?

Because my mouth
Is wide with laughter
You do not hear
My inner cry?
Because my feet
Are gay with dancing,
You do not know
I die?
Poem Response

The author if this poem talks about how he disguises his pain by pretending to be having tons of fun. He’s putting up façade where hides his sorrow and no one is able to see what really is going on behind that mask. He explains that others cannot see his pain and cannot tell his suffering because of his immense laughter and because he dances happily. I believe that this is a poem to whom all can relate because it happens to often. I can really relate to this poem because every time that I feel sad or I’m just having a bad day I don’t want to show it therefore I act cheerful and happy as a way to disguise my unhappiness. I hate it when people ask me “what is wrong, why are you looking so sad” so I would much rather pretend I’m happy. I don’t want to show that I feel defeated or sad, I want to show the opposite. I believe that many people also feel the same way, usually we connect feeling pain and sorrow with being powerless therefore we hide our pain and show otherwise. Like for example when I girl break ups with her boyfriend and his very hurt. He will go to the club and dance with many different girls as a way to hide his pain and suffering and demonstrate that he still in control of his life and situation. To show his friends that he is over his ex girlfriend and that he can move on with his life very quickly. Then when he gets home he feels extra bad and cries because he misses his ex girlfriend. When we create facades like these its when people aren’t ale to see or understand how we really are feeling which in the long run might hurts us because we arent able to express our emotions freely.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


I was asked to post something that reflects my voice; yet I have sat here for almost half an hour and i still don't know how I can do it.
Well first of all, I'm a very soft spoken person, and pretty simple at that. I don't usually use fancy and sophisticated words but instead I chose to use words that clearly express my thoughts.
My purpose while writing is paint the reader a vivid picture of my thoughts, which makes my writing thorough. I tend to go into depth on any certain subject which interests me, until I haven't left any questions unanswered. While I'm writing I tend to ask " why...." very often which helps me fully analyse my thoughts.

What is poetic language? How is is different from poetry? MY RESPONSE

Poetic language is a type of language in which very powerful words are being used . Every single word has a deeper meaning and its own perspective. Poetic language is a way of communication in which many thoughts, ideas , and emotions are conveyed through few words. It is different from poetry because poetic language is what is used in poetry. Poetry is made up by the poetic language.

Friday, January 26, 2007